Refer Your Friend And Earn 5,000 PKR

Gift your friend their Dream Career.

Just like you DataTrained promises to help your friend with their career and help them achieve their Dream Job.

How It Works?

You are just three-step away from changing your friend’s career

Step 1

Refer your friend

Click on the Refer Now button and share essential information to arrange their session with a career counselor.

Step 2

Admission Complete

Your friend takes admission to a course and pays their course fee.

Step 3

Get referral bonus

Once your friend pays the full course fee, you get your referral bonus.

Step 1

Refer your friend

Click on the Refer Now button and share essential information to arrange their session with a career counselor.

Step 2

Admission Complete

Your friend takes admission to a course and pays their course fee.

Step 3

Get referral bonus

Once your friend pays the full course fee, you get your referral bonus.

What Do You Get?

Once your friend takes admission and pays the full course fee you become eligible for your referral bonus

Frequently Asked Questions :

What is an affiliate program?

An affiliate program is a partnership where you promote our products, and in return, you earn a commission for each sale or action made through your unique affiliate link.

How do I join?

To join, simply sign up above. Once approved, you’ll get access to your own dashboard and promotional materials.

What are the benefits?

You earn 20 USD for every sale or action, and get access to promotional materials.

How does the tracking work?

Your unique affiliate link tracks clicks and records transactions when someone makes a purchase or completes an action through your link.

When do I get paid?

You get your referral bonus after your friend pays the full course fee.

Are there any costs?

No, joining is free. There are no upfront costs or hidden fees. You earn a bonus based on successful referrals.

Can I promote on my website or social media?

Absolutely! You’re encouraged to promote on various channels like your website, social media, email, etc. Just follow our affiliate program policies.

Is there a referral limit

No, there’s usually no limit. Feel free to promote our products to as many people as possible to maximize your earnings.

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